Umeå University(UMU)
Arts & Humanities/Historical, Philosophical & Religious Studies
Lund University (LU)
- LWD: National laboratory for wood anatomy & dendrochronology
- 14C: Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory
- LLL: Lund Luminescence Laboratory
Humanities & Theology/Archaeology & Ancient History
- DARKlab & LUSA: Digital Archaeology Lab & School of Aviation (LUSA will be subcontracted by DARKlab from the faculty of Engineering)
Stockholm University (SU)
Humanities/Archaeology & Classical Studies
- AFL: Archaeological Research Laboratory
- OFL: Osteoarchaeological Research Laboratory
- CPG: Centre for Palaeogenetics
- aDNA unit SU: SciLifeLab Ancient DNA unit
Uppsala University (UU)
Arts/ Archaeology & Ancient History
Science & Technology
- Tandem: Radiocarbon Laboratory & Ion beam materials analysis (PIXE)
Science & Technology/ Organismal Biology
- aDNA unit UU: SciLifeLab Ancient DNA unit